Hunter is now 4 months old. He weighs about 16 lbs and is 26 1/4 in long! He's huge. He's in 6-9 month clothing with most of his 6 month jammies being too small. He has the longest legs ever, but has a skinny waist. He's just too cute. He has not rolled over yet, but I think it's because he's just so big! He does the inch worm all the time though. He will get up on his knees and move himself forward with his hands, it's so cute. He is "talking" up a storm and is just the happiest baby. Everyday with him is like an adventure, something new always happens. We just started him on rice cereal because he's such a hungry boy. He likes it, but is a little confused on what to do with a spoon....he's getting the hang of it though. It's fun to watch him learn new things.
Today we took Hunter to get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny!! He was so good and even smiled for the camera. Nate and I are so lucky to have such a beautiful, happy, healthy boy. I thank God for him everyday. Nate surprised me with 2 nights at the TurningStone Resort & Casino for Easter weekend! We're going to take Hunter with us and have Easter there. I can't wait to take him to the pool swimming, it should be a blast. I am lucky because I have a wonderful, caring husband who would plan something fun like that for us and I don't tell him that enough. Thanks babe......I love you.
Hunter and the Easter Bunny......

Last weekend Hunter, Nonnie and I went to the outlet mall. He was such a trooper! We were there for 5 hrs! He always has to wear a bib cause he's constantly drooling! His hat is too small, he's just growing so much his wardrobe can't keep up! LOL!

I LOVE these pictures of Hunter, he has the most beautiful eyes. He loves taking a bath. He get's so excited and kicks his legs when he's in his little tub! I just want to take a bite out of him. LOL! He's going to be a little water baby.......

Hunter went for his first walk outside in his stroller. It was such a beautiful day out. The sun was shining & he loved being out in the fresh air!

Look at his hair! He's a "wild man" LOL!

I love this picture of Hunter. He is so cute with his first pair of CAMO sunglasses. He kinda has a hard time keeping them on, but they are just too cute.

We hope that everyone is doing well and that everyone has a Happy Easter!!