This time of the year is really busy for Nate and me.....It's Hunting Season. We hunt on a farm in Long Point, it's right on Lake Ontario, west of Watertown, NY. It's one of the most peaceful settings, I love going up there. Nate has got 2 deer this year, I am still holding out for the "big" one! When we go up there, we bring Yukon and he loves running after the 4-wheeler when we go for rides. It's so funny how much he loves it. If Nate leaves the camp on the 4-Wheeler without Yukon, he just cries and cries. Poor Cocoa has to stay home, but Nate's mom always comes and visits her so she doesn't get too lonely. I have posted some pictures of our weekend up there! There is a picture of Nate trying to teach his Uncle Buzz how to play Big Buck Hunter! One of my favorite pictures of Yukon is the one where he just got done running behind the 4-Wheeler and he is covered in mud and has the Biggest smile on his face...Ha Ha!