Thursday, June 24, 2010
*****FUN NEWS******
It happened on Friday, June 18th. I was sitting at my desk at work when all of a sudden I just felt little flutters in my belly. I was amazed.... It was so heartstopping. I literally just stopped working and sat there for a minute. I didn't feel it again until Monday, but now it's happening all the time. The baby is very active right after I eat and also when I am laying in bed at night. I can't wait for the baby to get bigger so that Nate can experience this's so fun! I go back to the dr's next week for a check-up, I can't wait to hear his/her heartbeat. I will give an update next week :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My Baby Bump
I am about 14 weeks along now and as you can see I have a little belly. It's so exciting!! I am still able to wear my normal clothes, but I can't button my pants...LOL. I bought something at Target called the Belly Band, it works like a charm. You just slip it over your unbuttoned pants, that way you can still wear your old clothes. Hopefully it stays like that for a while?
I went to the dr's on June 1st for a checkup. Everything is going great, the baby is about the size of a lemon right now. I was also able to hear the baby's heartbeat, it was so fast! It's really setting in now that there is something real in there, I can't wait to be a mom. I get to go back to the dr's on June 29th for another check up. I will have to let you know how that one goes.
Not too much else is going on with us. Nate was in a fishing tournament over Memorial Day weekend with his cousin. He caught a lake trout that had him in first place, but unfortunately someone caught a bigger fish and it knocked him off the board :( Here is a picture of his fish that was displayed in the showcase....Way to go Babe!!