Today we took Hunter to get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny!! He was so good and even smiled for the camera. Nate and I are so lucky to have such a beautiful, happy, healthy boy. I thank God for him everyday. Nate surprised me with 2 nights at the TurningStone Resort & Casino for Easter weekend! We're going to take Hunter with us and have Easter there. I can't wait to take him to the pool swimming, it should be a blast. I am lucky because I have a wonderful, caring husband who would plan something fun like that for us and I don't tell him that enough. Thanks babe......I love you.
Hunter and the Easter Bunny......
Last weekend Hunter, Nonnie and I went to the outlet mall. He was such a trooper! We were there for 5 hrs! He always has to wear a bib cause he's constantly drooling! His hat is too small, he's just growing so much his wardrobe can't keep up! LOL!

I LOVE these pictures of Hunter, he has the most beautiful eyes. He loves taking a bath. He get's so excited and kicks his legs when he's in his little tub! I just want to take a bite out of him. LOL! He's going to be a little water baby.......

Hunter went for his first walk outside in his stroller. It was such a beautiful day out. The sun was shining & he loved being out in the fresh air!

Look at his hair! He's a "wild man" LOL!

I love this picture of Hunter. He is so cute with his first pair of CAMO sunglasses. He kinda has a hard time keeping them on, but they are just too cute.

We hope that everyone is doing well and that everyone has a Happy Easter!!