Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Still Pregnant.....
Sunday, December 5, 2010
****The Nursery****
I posted pictures of the baby's nursery. I think it's awesome and very peaceful. Many thanks to Lynne for the help and for everyone that helped me put the nursery together with your wonderful gifts.

Monday, November 15, 2010
My Two Boys....I'm So Proud
Yukon kicked this phesant out of the bushes and Nate was able to get a shot at it. Now Nate is going to get the phesant "stuffed" so we can hang it on our wall with all of his other animals...LOL. Nate has been doing a lot of phesant & duck hunting this year and he's been really liking it a lot. He's also been doing so well with deer hunting. He's already shot 3 deer this year! Way to go Babe :) Unfortunately, I have gotten too big and can't go anymore because it's too hard for me to walk thru the woods with all of my gear on :( There is always next year. I am so proud of my husband, he truely is such a talented man on so many levels. Hopefully he passes this talent on to our baby! Love you babe.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Baby Shower!!
Here is a picture of a diaper cake that Lynne made for's so cute.

I was very excited when we got this Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail. Hopefully it will keep the nursery from getting too stinky. LOL

We got this cute little Dog book that I can't wait to read to the baby. It has little tabs that you can pull on to make the dogs tail wag & paws wave and cool things like that.

This was one of my coolest gifts from my girlfriend Tiff. She got me that handmade zebra print bag, with our last name on it! She also got me tons of other cute things like this SU (Syracuse University) Onzie. Anyone that knows Nate and me knows we LOVE SU basketball! I can't wait to dress the baby in that :) We will have the baby just in time for the season to start.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Almost 8 Months.......
I am tired and having a hard time sleeping. My belly is big so it's hard to flip flop at night w/ a pillow in between my legs and having to go to the bathroom every 3 hours I don't get much sleep. I am still working full time and am in total "nesting" mode at home. I have been doing a lot of organizing (throwing away) things that we don't use because I just feel like there is no room for all of the babies neccesities. I know that all will work out, but I still am stressing because really, we only have like 9 weeks left before our baby gets here!! I can't believe it.
We've started moving everything into the nursery slowly & will be able to really organize it after I have my shower on Oct. 16th. Our nursery is going to be neutral colors (cream, tan & beige) with baby giraffes decorating the walls & the crib and we'll accent it with either blue or pink after the baby is born. I will definately post pictures once we have the room all set up. It's so exciting.
Hunting season also started for Nate and me. I tried to take this picture of myself & my belly, but it wouldn't all fit in there! I will have to try to get Nate to take a good one of me. Of course my wonderful husband has already shot a deer and we have meat in the freezer.....he's so good! I am very surprised at how well I did while I was hunting with this huge belly. I really thought that it was going to be a struggle, but it hasn't been. My midwife said I can hunt as long as I want to, but no sitting in tree stands. SO, I have to sit on the ground in a camo chair, it's not so bad...... My goal is to shoot a deer while I am pregnant, I really want to accomplish that. Other than that Nate has been working out of town still all the time and I miss him all the time. We are just waiting for our little Baby Butera to join us in this world......we can't wait!!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
5 1/2 months....almost 6!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
1st Pictures of Our Baby!
Here is another profile shot of the baby. You can actually see the baby's teeth that are up in the gums. I was so happy to see that the baby is healthy....I am a proud Mama!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
4 Months Along.....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
*****FUN NEWS******
It happened on Friday, June 18th. I was sitting at my desk at work when all of a sudden I just felt little flutters in my belly. I was amazed.... It was so heartstopping. I literally just stopped working and sat there for a minute. I didn't feel it again until Monday, but now it's happening all the time. The baby is very active right after I eat and also when I am laying in bed at night. I can't wait for the baby to get bigger so that Nate can experience this's so fun! I go back to the dr's next week for a check-up, I can't wait to hear his/her heartbeat. I will give an update next week :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My Baby Bump
I am about 14 weeks along now and as you can see I have a little belly. It's so exciting!! I am still able to wear my normal clothes, but I can't button my pants...LOL. I bought something at Target called the Belly Band, it works like a charm. You just slip it over your unbuttoned pants, that way you can still wear your old clothes. Hopefully it stays like that for a while?
I went to the dr's on June 1st for a checkup. Everything is going great, the baby is about the size of a lemon right now. I was also able to hear the baby's heartbeat, it was so fast! It's really setting in now that there is something real in there, I can't wait to be a mom. I get to go back to the dr's on June 29th for another check up. I will have to let you know how that one goes.
Not too much else is going on with us. Nate was in a fishing tournament over Memorial Day weekend with his cousin. He caught a lake trout that had him in first place, but unfortunately someone caught a bigger fish and it knocked him off the board :( Here is a picture of his fish that was displayed in the showcase....Way to go Babe!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Nate and I are so excited to announce that we're having a baby! I am 10 weeks along and doing great. I am over most of the morning sickness and I am just trying to keep up with the rest of the world. It's amazing how my energy level just plummetted, but it's all worth it. I found out that I was pregnant on April 7th and I will have to say I was definately surprised. I know that this baby is such a wonderful blessing and we can't wait til he/she gets here! We were able to go have a sonogram on May 4th (when I was 8 1/2) weeks and we saw little baby's heartbeat. That was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen in my life. The hardest thing has been keeping it a secret, but we feel we can tell people now. The baby's due date is December 10th. I just feel so blessed that I am able to experience this wonderful joy and I will do my best to update the blog every month. My big question now is....Do we find out what we're having? I totally want to know, but Nate is still on the fence...guess I will have to keep working at him to try to sway him. I posted the baby's sonogram pic, it's very hard to see, but you can make out the little baby's head and body. How awesome! I just thank the Lord that Nate and I have the opportunity to bring a beautiful baby into this world. :-)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Visiting Friends & Ice Fishing in Albany

He is just too funny... he carried that leaf with him all over the ice!!