I am tired and having a hard time sleeping. My belly is big so it's hard to flip flop at night w/ a pillow in between my legs and having to go to the bathroom every 3 hours I don't get much sleep. I am still working full time and am in total "nesting" mode at home. I have been doing a lot of organizing (throwing away) things that we don't use because I just feel like there is no room for all of the babies neccesities. I know that all will work out, but I still am stressing because really, we only have like 9 weeks left before our baby gets here!! I can't believe it.
We've started moving everything into the nursery slowly & will be able to really organize it after I have my shower on Oct. 16th. Our nursery is going to be neutral colors (cream, tan & beige) with baby giraffes decorating the walls & the crib and we'll accent it with either blue or pink after the baby is born. I will definately post pictures once we have the room all set up. It's so exciting.
Hunting season also started for Nate and me. I tried to take this picture of myself & my belly, but it wouldn't all fit in there! I will have to try to get Nate to take a good one of me. Of course my wonderful husband has already shot a deer and we have meat in the freezer.....he's so good! I am very surprised at how well I did while I was hunting with this huge belly. I really thought that it was going to be a struggle, but it hasn't been. My midwife said I can hunt as long as I want to, but no sitting in tree stands. SO, I have to sit on the ground in a camo chair, it's not so bad...... My goal is to shoot a deer while I am pregnant, I really want to accomplish that. Other than that Nate has been working out of town still all the time and I miss him all the time. We are just waiting for our little Baby Butera to join us in this world......we can't wait!!!
So cute Laur!! I Love your belly is poking out so cute!! So glad your feeling so great!! Love ya
your belly is so cute! i cant believe the babies will be here soon! looks like you guys have been having fun! love ya
I am so glad you posted a new picture! You look fantastic! I can't wait for your shower next weekend....If you think you are in nesting mode now, wait till all the baby stuff is in your house! So much FUN!
Your so cute! I love your belly, it's a girl for sure! love ya.
oh ya whats the baby's heart rate?
You really think it's a girl? I totally think it's a boy. Guess we'll find out eventually. The heart rate is usually in the 140's. We get another ultrasound in a month to see the position of the baby. I can't wait. Love ya tons!
Okay it's a boy! hahaha. How funny. I'm always off on everyone but myself. So cute!!! I can't wait to see his cute face! I miss you, I need to call you. I need ideas for your baby present what do you need? or want?
LOL Janel you're so funny. I really think it's a boy, but you never know I could be wrong. I can't wait to meet this baby thou, I can tell you that much. You really don't have to get us a gift, but if you want to we are registered at Babies R Us. Please call me whenever you want. I miss you so much too. I hope you'll update your blog with some pics of your kids! I check it all the time, LOL. Love ya lots :)
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