ICE FISHING ONEIDA LAKEOur friend John came to visit a few weekends ago from Albany so Nate, John and I decided to go out for our first official Ice Fishing Weekend....We were pretty successful. We caught a total of around 10 fish, but we only kept 5 and we were able to have a really yummy dinner made by my chef of a husband...It was so good! We made "fish balls" aka Hush Puppies.
Here I am with one of my fish that I caught, it was a nice Large Mouth Bass. I hate touching the fish, they seriously scare me, but I have been told by some of the guys that I fish with that I have to "Man Up" so i usually go home with fishy smelling gloves...ha ha ha.

Nate's working on getting a fish out of the water, I am just standing there with the gaft just in case it's a "BIG" one! LOL...

We were all so excited when Nate finally pulled this fish out...he worked hard to get this guy out. It's a Northern Pike! This one measured out to be about 30 inches. We had a pretty successful day on Oneida Lake! John, thanks for coming to visit, we had a great time.
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