Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Ice Fishing

Ice Fishing in Henderson Harbor
Nate and I recently went up to his Uncle Mark's camp in Northern NY and did some ice fishing with him and his daughter Sara. We love going up there, it's always such a fun time. Yukon loves going up there too cause Mark's dog, Zeke is Yukon's BEST friend and they love running around outside exploring together. We're always so appreciative that we have a nice place to go and stay for a quick weekend getaway. Thanks Mark! Such a cute picture.....

Yukon's so happy to be up at camp.... look at that smile! Mark and his first fish! All the freezing paid off....

I was happy when I got my first fish of the day...a Perch (they are very yummy by the way...nicknamed "poor mans shrimp")

One of our tip-up flags went off and Nate started working on pulling the fish in and he says, "Oh my gosh it's huge" So of course I panic and start getting all excited! I was yelling at everyone to bring "stuff" over to help assist Nate. I guess I must have thought it was the size of a shark? Ha Ha

Sara is running back to Nate with the scooper so that he can get the floating ice out of the water and have a better view of the fish.

All the running around, yelling and excitement paid off! It's a 38 inch Northern Pike...way to go Nate!!

Yukon is totally inspecting the fish out... he's wondering what his Daddy just pulled out of the water! He is so funny.....

Sara with her BIG catch... another perch!

Here are Sara and Zeke trying to warm up in the hut....

I think Yukon is ready for a nap.....

After a full day of ice fishing, everyone was very tired. We all went to bed at 8pm! What a great time we had....

Ice Fishing Begins....


Our friend John came to visit a few weekends ago from Albany so Nate, John and I decided to go out for our first official Ice Fishing Weekend....We were pretty successful. We caught a total of around 10 fish, but we only kept 5 and we were able to have a really yummy dinner made by my chef of a husband...It was so good! We made "fish balls" aka Hush Puppies.Here I am with one of my fish that I caught, it was a nice Large Mouth Bass. I hate touching the fish, they seriously scare me, but I have been told by some of the guys that I fish with that I have to "Man Up" so i usually go home with fishy smelling gloves...ha ha ha.

Nate's working on getting a fish out of the water, I am just standing there with the gaft just in case it's a "BIG" one! LOL...

We were all so excited when Nate finally pulled this fish out...he worked hard to get this guy out. It's a Northern Pike! This one measured out to be about 30 inches. We had a pretty successful day on Oneida Lake! John, thanks for coming to visit, we had a great time.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas Time....

For Christmas everyone came to our house! My mom, sister, brother in law, nephew and little brother Jake came in from Utah. My brother Mike that now lives with my dad in Syracuse came over too....It was tons of fun and boy was it crowded... I kept thinking to myself, "boy we need a bigger house" but it was a blast. We stayed up playing Sequence, watching movies, eating tons of food and we even went bowling! I appreciate all of my family coming to see us and for all of the awesome memories that we had together. I love you so much!!

My Christmas present from my sister.... A Team Edward Hoodie!! LOL. Does she know me or what??

Logan waving to his Auntie!! Could he be any cuter??

Heather, Michael , Logan and I went to the mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. I don't think we did any shopping at all, I think we were entertaining Logan the whole time. It was so much fun!!

Me and Heather at lunch....why am I so much taller? LOL

Me and my cute brother, Jake... I just love him!!

Jake saying good bye to Yukon....soooo sad :(

Logan is such a stinkin character... I just love my nephew!! He was making that face at me cause I was taking so long to take the picture! He's wearing my mom's glasses in this other picture! HA HA