Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 1/2 months....almost 6!

Wow, how time flies by!! I can't believe that I am almost 6 months pregnant and just getting bigger by the month.....LOL! I have been feeling great and the baby is growing like a weed. The baby is about 1 pound now and is around 12 inches long. For the first time today I saw the baby kick through my belly. It was this little foot, hand or head that was trying to push through. I imagine this little boy/girl is just so full of life and can't wait to come out. I can't wait to meet the baby and watch all of the amazing new things that will happen. I always heard mom's say, "I can't picture life before having a baby" and I was always thnking, "Really?? Cause I think life is awesome and I don't have any kids yet" But let me tell you how much that changed once I found out I was pregnant. It's so cliche, but it's true. Life is wonderful and you turn into this very emotional, protective state of the little being growing inside of you. It consumes you. Instead of getting all excited over a new pair of boots or new earrings, you get so excited when you see a cute onzie or outfit that's "perfect" for the baby. I am sure once I have the baby I will get back into my shoes/accessories obsession, but for now I am having a blast picking out things for the baby. My next dr's appt is on August 24th so I will update again after that.
Other than just obsessing over the baby Nate and I have not been doing way too much this summer. Since he works out of town it's hard for us to squeeze in lots of fun stuff in one day. We usually will golf or go out on the boat and I am content with that. I really look forward to when Nate won't have to be gone all the time :(