Monday, January 24, 2011

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

On December 9th, 2010 at 9:05pm our beautiful baby boy, Hunter Joseph Butera was born. He was 8lbs 15oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. We are so happy that he is here! I am sorry it has taken me so long to post about his is TOTALLY different now that we have a newborn in the house. When I have a free moment, it's spent cleaning up and trying to fit in a shower...LOL. Nate and I could not be happier with our wonderful bundle of joy. Here are some pictures of his birth, Christmas and the past 6 weeks... I will try to update more often.

Our Little Family...... 2 Days Old.....

Finally Going home.......

A couple weeks after Hunter was born Nate shot his 4th deer of the season. These pictures are so fitting for Hunter's name..LOL. I love this picture of Daddy and Hunter with the deer.....

Here are some pictures of our family members with Hunter....


Here are some pictures from Christmas....He's so freakin' cute!!!

This picture was taken on Christmas Day at our's a 4 generation photo. Nate's grandfather, Nate's Uncle, Nate and Hunter.

This shirt is so says, "I watch the Jets with my Daddy" Even thou the Jets lost, it's still a cute shirt!

Yukon loves Hunter....
I love this picture of him....he was laughing and smiling for mommy :) I just have to say that being a mommy is the best gift that God could have ever given to me. I am so in love with our little boy. He makes me smile every day all day long. Life changes after you have a baby, but it's so much better. It's amazing to think that Nate and I created this beautiful baby boy. I am sleep deprived, don't wear any make-up, live in sweat pants and I wouldn't change it for the world. I am so sad because I have to go back to work on Feb 7th and I have to take him to a babysitters :( Spending this time with Hunter is priceless and I look forward to the days ahead.