I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful blessings I have had this past year. I am so happy that I get to spend this wonderful Christmas with my brothers and should be a great time. I can't wait for all the yummy food!!! Love to everyone :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Movie
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Birthday!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Trip to Albany
This past weekend Nate, Yukon and I went to Albany to visit our friend John and his dog Roxy. He just bought a cute new house with lake rights, so we went there to check out the new place and to do some fishing. It was such a beautiful weekend, we had awesome fall weather!! Too bad we didn't catch any fish, but we still had a fun time on the lake. I took some pictures of us on the lake in the's a new NY state law that you have to wear a life jacket when you're in a small boat. It's annoying, but much safer. Yukon and Roxy had so much fun together. They played outside all day and by the end of the night they were exhausted.... they are so cute....they're sleeping in eachother's beds. HA HA
We are so appreciative to our friend John for letting us stay... we had a great weekend! Thanks John!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Nathan James!!
Happy Birthday Love!!
I love this picture of us. It was at Nate's Senior Ball when he was just 17 and I was 16. We have been through a lot in the past 13's been a roller coaster ride. For those of you that really know "us" you know what I am talking about. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful, patient man in my life....I don't know where I would be without him.
Meeting him when I was 15 years old in our highschool Spanish class, was a true blessing from God. Now that I look back on my life....(well the 27 years that I have been around) I can't believe that I "made it" with out Nate. Moving to Utah was one of the hardest things I ever had to do....I had to leave Nate behind. It was utterly heart wrenching. Although I did make it out there, it always felt like something was missing. I made wonderful girlfriends out there that I still talk to today, but there was something still missing. After all that we "went through" the 6 years we were away from eachother, we found one another again. I am so blessed by God to have Nate in my life. I love him with all of my heart and soul...I thank him for being so wonderful to me. I have truly found my soul mate, my best friend and I am having the time of my life. That being said...Babe I wish you the Happiest Birthday in the whole wide world. I love you more and more each day. Thank you for being so wonderful.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy 1 Year Anniversary Baby!!!
Nate and I have been married for one year...I can't believe it. Time flys by when you're having fun!! :-)
I married the most amazing man that I have ever met and I can't picture life with out him. He is my everything.....he is what makes me tick. My favorite moments are when we are home together with "the kids" and we cuddle while watching a movie or tv. Not only is he my husband, but he's my best friend. He is my biggest supporter in everything, he has showed me that I can do anything if I just put my mind to it. I love the way he loves me..... and how he makes me feel so beautiful when I am rolling out of bed with no make-up on & my hair a that is TRUE love...LOL! I am so happy that I have found my soulmate...and I look forward to many, many more years together. I love you Nathan James.
Last weekend we went to The Turningstone Casino in Verona, NY to celebrate our anniversary. We had such an amazing time there. We had wonderful food and we went out to the nightclub, Lava that they have at the was a blast! Whoever knows me, knows that I love to dance and I had so much fun getting dressed up & going out with my man...... Here are a couple of pictures.....

Monday, September 14, 2009
Salmon Fishing Derby
Over the past few weekends Nate and I have been fishing in a salmon tournament on Lake Ontario. We would have to get up wicked early, but it was well worth it. I love being out on the lake....just as long as it's not rough out. I do not like feeling sea sick! UGH..... Here are a few pictures of us with our fish. We ended up smoking most of the meat, but we did have some really yummy salmon filets over at our friend Seth and Renee's was delicious.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Summer Time!!!
Can you tell that I love my dog?? I love this shirt!!

The summer has gone by so fast. I can't even believe that it's almost September, and almost my 1 year anniversary! Time flys by when you're having fun! Here are some more pictures of Nate and me on the boat with our friends and of course Yukon! My friend Kristy and I were convinced that Nate had a fish on his line, but it was a false alarm...we were bummin. As you can see the net is empty, so NO FISH......It was so hot out on the boat and poor Yukon was panting like there was no tomorrow. So we put a wet towel over him and he became full of life again! He is the cutest thing ever, well next to Nate :-)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Lovin' the Boat
I absolutely love the sun coming up in the morning, it's so beautiful. We have been loving spending time together on the boat. I am not the best at driving the boat, I do try....sometimes I end up getting too frustrated and I give up. Good thing Nate knows what he's doing..LOL!

Unfortunately our weather here in NY has been soooo rainy. We have not had many opportunites to go on the boat because it's been too nasty. We have had a few good trips on it...Yukon LOVES the boat. We've only caught a couple of fish too....not sure what's going on, but we still have tons of fun. Here are some pics of Captain Nate, Yukon and just some fun times on the boat.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
So we did it!! We bought our first boat and we are so excited!!! This is a serious fishing boat and we hope to catch some really big fish on it and have some fun in the sun. It's a Wellcraft Excel and it's 24 feet long....I am really glad that Nate will be towing it..... I don't want any part in it...LOL. The thing that I am most excited about is that there is a bathroom on it and it's big enough that Yukon will fit with no problem..... We are going to be taking it out for the first time this weekend....we can't wait!
Visiting Family!!

This past month Nate and I have been visiting with lots of our family. We recently went to Buffalo, NY to my cousin Alexa's 16th Birthday party....that was a blast. My aunt and uncle had a big tent, lots of food and of course a DJ. I had so much fun dancing with my cousins, but I realized somthing....I am getting old. None of the 16 year olds thought I was cool I guess because I would start dancing and they would all walk away! LOL! There are a few pictures from the party up there. My cousin Alexa is Miss Diva w/ all of her girlfriends surrounding her and there is a picture of my cousin Emily and me! I just love my "girls"..... Then there is Nate and myself..."the old ones" ha ha
Friday, May 22, 2009
Spring is Here

Wow, it's been forever since I have posted anything... I guess we have just been super busy! I started a new job with in my company, so that has been keeping me very busy. I got to go to Pittsburgh for training and it is just so beautiful down there, it was a good time, but I was so glad to come back home to my family. Nate and I have been doing some fishing, not as much as we have wanted, but we have all summer for that. Yukon and Cocoa are loving the warm weather. Yukon loves to just go outside, lay in the yard and watch all the people with their dogs walk by. He likes to bark at them like he's some big, tough guy...little does anyone know that he is afraid of his own shadow!! Cocoa loves that the windows are open , so she can keep an extra close eye on her boy, Yukon and the birds that come close to the house.... In the end of April, Heather, Cody and Logan came to visit and I had the best time with them. My little nephew is getting SO big I just love watching him grow. Nate is working a new job for Colorado State University up at the Fort Drum Military Base. So far he is liking it and he will be doing this until October.... Other than that we are just trying to spend as much time together that we can get. I am so excited for Memorial Day weekend.... I need some R & R with the family. Hopefully we'll get to do some fishing and we'll have some yummy dinner's!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fishing, Fishing & More Fishing......
We have been doing a lot of ice fishing. We have been getting a lot of Lake Trout (which don't taste good we found out) and Nate's been catching some perch. Yukon has been loving this since he goes with us all the time. He can hardly contain himself when he sees us getting ready. He runs all over the house with excitement...Ha Ha ha.
I am posting some pics from a day we went ice fishing on Owasco Lake with our friends. I caught a nice sized Laker, but was waaay too afraid to pick it up! Also that day our friends brought out their female Lab puppy, Raven, I swear she's Yukons Mini-Me! There is another picture on there of a Gar Pike that Nate caught....that thing is Scary lookin!! Good times and fun memories!!!
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