Nate and I went out the weekend before my birthday and had many laughs. For anyone that knows Nate they know he doesn't like his picture taken, so I had to beg him for this "birthday" photo of the two of us...... so cute. But the best ever were my presents from him! First, he got me a new phone & I love it. Second, which is my
favorite, he got us tickets to go see the musical Wicked in January. I love musicals and now I get to finally go see one... thanks babe, I love you tons. Thanks for such a great birthday.

The night before my "actual" birthday, Nate and I went out for drinks and dinner with my dad and Lynne. We had lots of fun and there were tons of laughs. We ate at Texas Roadhouse for dinner, they have the most amazing dinner rolls! My big mouth ended me up on a saddle in the restaurant with the staff singing to me.... HA HA!

Then all of my awesome co-workers had a cake and cards for me... They are so cute. And of course they got me wine.... oh how they know what I like :)
Happy late b-day!!! I know I know I'm lame... Your so luck to get to Wicked tickets sold out so fast here...
I suck as a friend! Happy Late Late Birthday Laur! I love you and even though we live on opposite sides of the country I think about you all the time and what a fabulous friend you have been to me!
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