My friend Tiffany and I gettting ready for our "Girls night out" We went to dinner and then out to go see the midnight showing of New Moon on November 19th! We are both TEAM EDWARD by the way! Ha Ha....Tiff and I anticipated this movie coming out for months so we needed to go to the midnight showing, we couldn't wait that extra 12 hours. I was able to take the next day off from work, but poor Tiff had to work the next day :(

Tiff is so cute. She got me this for my birthday!! I just love it. It has the characters from Twilight all over it, but mostly pics of Edward and Bella. She also got me a crown to wear that night for the movie. It has Bella, Edward and Jacob all on it. Of course I had to have Edward and Bella in the front....

This was right before we went into the theater.... I love the poster,(I have it hanging in my office at work) so I just had to get my picture with it... People were staring of course..LOL! They were probably wondering who this crazed fan was........

We were able to get into the movie theater at about 9pm so we had a lot of waiting to do.... but that was ok we didn't mind. There were lots of people at the mall waiting just like us, we couldn't believe it. There are actually other people out there that are as obsessed as we are! We were let in to the very first theater that opened up for the midnight showing, we felt so lucky. Tiff and I had great seats. The movie was out of this world. I felt that it followed the book very closely and I was very impressed with the graphics/animation for the warewolves. I can't wait to go see it again. If you haven't seen the movies or read the books, I highly recommend it :-)
Haha...This is hilarious!! I Love that crown, Are you going to Utah for Christmas??
Next time I'm going with youz guys... I made Rob go for my B-day, lets just say all the crazy old lady's kept screaming EVERY time Edward came on the screen... I'll come to NY I don't care.
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